Asia Inspection Services

Asia Inspection Services
Finished Goods Inspection – A Finished Goods Inspection (Pre Shipment Inspection PSI) is the most critical inspection which confirms the complete order quality levels. A Finished Goods inspection requires 80% of goods to be completed and be packed.
Samples of the goods are randomly selected using the internationally recognised AQL standard for sample selection. There should be a 3-5 day window between this inspection and the container being loaded.
The purpose of a Finished Goods Inspection (or Pre Shipment Inspection) is to visually check product specifications, product quantity, product dimensions, packing requirements and shipping marks. During this inspection, any on-site testing can be conducted, or samples can be collected to be independently tested. If any problems are identified, you can then address these issues with the factory before the goods are shipped.
"Its better to find faults at the factory floor, rather than at your door!"
- Inspections take place within 48 hours
- Inspection report issued within 24 hours
- A Wide range of Industries inspected
- ISO9001:2008 certified
Factory Audit Inspection
Factory Audit’s are conducted at your supplier’s manufacturing facilities to examine their manufacturing capacities, quality management system, to provide assurance of regulatory compliance and assess product quality to identify workplace safety. Our audits range from verifying business transactions, safety and compliance checks of processes and systems.
A Factory Audit is used to assess if your potential supplier is a real company and whoes exporting license is being used.Conducting audits help ensure your compliance with global market, industry and regulatory requirements.
Supplier Audits provide you with a clear picture of your supplier’s business and policies, along with information outlining corrective action, if necessary. KRL Supplier Audits aim to help you build long-term relations with your suppliers and achieve continuous improvement.
KRL offers a range of supplier audit programs to help you engage with capable and ethical suppliers:
- Manufacturing Audit
- Social Audit
- Food Audits
Factory Audit comprises of visiting the Seller and conducting an inspection in the following areas:
- Identify the Supplier – You will find out if you are buying from a trading company or direct from the manufacturer. If you are buying from the manufacturer, you will get the details of the factory so that you can buy from them and save money by cutting out the middle guy.
- Background Information – we check information about exporting license, financial circumstances, business licenses, sales records and factory owner details.
- Quality Controls Procedures and Responsibilities – to ensuring the quality is maintained, testing certificates are genuine and up to date, and to verify that your supplier’s quality management system is suitable for your supply chain.
- New Part Manufacturing Procedures – to confirm seller’s practices and procedures to production of new products. To get a full picture of your supplier’s sourcing and operational policies, and to protect your brand image.
- Product Testing – review and verify suppliers testing procedures meet international standards.
- Consumer Complaints – understand supplier’s practices and procedures to any consumer complaints.
- Product Failure Responsibilities – confirm what support and commitment will the supplier make in the event of Product Failure.
- On Time Delivery – to identify the steps supplier takes that products are delivered on time.
We work with buyers to locate suitable factories to manufacture their product. We have access to over 500’000 products from 17’000 suppliers. Once factories are located we can have goods quality approved by our inspectors before they leave the factory.
- Minimise Risk
- Quality Assured
- Advice on which countries to buy from
Bi-Lingual Purchase Contracts
We provide bi-lingual purchase contracts that are legally enforceable in the Chinese courts. The contracts may include stipulations as to the thickness of the materials used, to the required pantone colours or penalties for manufacturing delays. The contracts raised may be used as a template for future orders giving you ongoing legal protection for all ongoing orders.
Sellers often hand a pro forma invoice and convince the buyer it’s a suitable document – its of little or no value if you go to court.
Always think if a judge was to see this document what language would he speak? This must be the language in your purchase contract

Contact Us.
Got a question? or want to speak to someone about how we can support you? Contact us today we would love to hear from you.